Weight Loss DNA Test
Trying to lose weight? Identify how your DNA influences your appetite, starch processing and fat metabolism, and adjust your diet & lifestyle based on your genetics to help you lose weight.
- Eating Habits Insights
- Weight Loss Response to Exercise
- Dietary Response
- Metabolic Response to Weight
 Buccal swab sample collection
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What's included?
Detailed Description
Trying to lose weight? Adjust your diet and lifestyle based on your genes. A simple mouth swab is all we need to analyze your DNA and identify changes that affect your obesity risk. Use this information to optimize your diet and exercise plans based on your genes, so you can finally fit those designer jeans!
The Genetics
Studies show multiple genetic variants can significant influence a person’s body weight, and how they respond to specific diets and exercise plans.
This DNA test can tell you whether you are
- Sensitive to starch
- More likely to snack
- Have difficulty feeling full
- Not motivated to exercise
- Have high blood sugar
- And More!!
What’ Tested
Appetite Suppression
- MC4R – disrupts appetite suppression
Food Disinhibition
NMB – associated with food disinhibition
Diet Impact
- FTO – influences energy intake, diet impact and satiety
- SH2B1 – interrupts a satiety hormone signalling pathway
Exercise Motivation & Response to Exercise
- BDNF – influences exercise motivation
- ADRB2 – affects weight loss in response to exercise
Fat Metabolism & Fatty Acid
- APOA2 – alters saturated fat metabolism
- FABP2 – increases fatty acid uptake
Circadian Rhythm
- CLOCK – disrupts the normal circadian rhythm
Starch & Glucose Regulation
- AMY1 – reduces the ability to digest starch
- ADIPOQ – disrupts normal glucose regulation
CLIA Certified
All Genofit tests are guaranteed to be processed by a CLIA certified laboratory–the same type of certification as hospital laboratories.
Physician Reviewed
Genofit tests are reviewed and approved by a third-party independent physician licensed to practice within your state.
HIPAA Compliant
Genofit takes measures to guarantee your privacy. Your personal data is securely stored and will not shared with any third-party without your permission.
Get Started in 3 Easy Steps​

1. Activate Kit

2. Collect & Mail

3. View Results
Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

1. Activate Kit
Activate your kit online at genofit.com by entering the unique activation code found inside your kit.

2. Collect & Mail Sample
Simply collect your sample at home, then mail your sample directly to the lab with free return shipping.

3. View Results
Receive your results within 5-7 business days after the lab receives your kit.
Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions about this test.
More ways to explore your health
Early Childhood DNA Test Combo
$1,180.00Optimize your child’s learning, nutrition, and fitness by tailoring their approach to their unique genetic profile.
Early Childhood Athletics & Fitness DNA Test
$249.00Customize your child’s activities to enhance their strengths.